วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Lined Up in a Romantic Way: Comete Jewelry Store in Milan

We received some photos of the original Comete jewelry store from Studio Apostoli, a company also working in the field of concept design. The project is located in Milan, Italy, and focuses on senses and emotions dealt with in a practical way . Here is more from the press release we were sent: “The idea is born from the “claim” of the well known brand Comete – “Romanticamente schierati” (lined up in a romantic way) – that places side by side a rich intimate dimension of feelings and emotions and a rational and pragmatic attitude. The sale point becomes a luminous backdrop punctuated by illuminated (led) circular display windows of three different dimensions that seem to fluctuate on a hypothetical horizon. The light of the backdrop keep changing creating itself emotions and games always different during not only the day but also based on the seasons or to the various periodic or thematic occasions.” From a point of view of a potential customer- does this jewelry store design make a strong impression?

